What to Write?

“All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” ~Psalm 139:16

Pen, compose, draft, record, note, scrawl, communicate….write. When Ann asked at the beginning of the year if someone would be willing to write a blog I thought, “sure, how hard can it be?” Each week after Cafe Central, reflect on the day and write something to inform, encourage or inspire. Easy right!?

There are some weeks that lend themselves to a story. At the beginning of the year, we wanted to tell our readers who we are, what we do, who we serve, and how they can be a part of our vision. We then went on to share different areas to serve; partner, participate and pray. February and March were leading up to our fundraising banquet to encourage our financial partners to help us meet our 50,000 goal to fund Cafe Central for the full year. (I’ll get back to that in the weeks to come) April brought the unexpected with COVID-19 and a change to take-out service. Admittedly though, most weeks seem pretty basic. We prepare, patrons arrive, we serve, clean up and head home. That’s it! So then what? 

So…then I look for inspiration. 

The bible! A culmination of writing, poetry and prose to inform, inspire and encourage it’s readers. The inspired word of God! As with any story, it has a beginning, something to hook the reader…”In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) It also has an ending, something to sum it up…”The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.” (Revelation 22:21). It’s the middle though, the information, the lessons, the stories….the characters! 

On days that seem ordinary, routine, “normal”, I reflect on the characters. I see Mathis sitting on the front steps of the church resting after walking to Cafe Central. I see Napoleon parking his bicycle very purposefully on the side of the building. I see Horace without Lois because “she’s not feeling well today.” I see Carl asking for shorts as the hot weather approaches; and wonder how many “to-go” boxes Chris will ask for as he usually ate 3 or 4 plates of food when we sat inside. I hear Mary tell me how lonely she is and ask when we might be able to sit inside and visit again. I see volunteers beginning to return. I listen as Evette tells me about losing her son-in-law to a heart attack and to please pray for her daughter and grandson. I see Renee first in line as she got up early to be there so she could bring lunch back to the 15 children she is watching, then her car won’t start when it’s time to leave. I hear about Cindy’s plans to move to South Carolina. I hear the guys laugh as they work filling boxes from the truck. I see Miss Louis as she drives through the line just to say hello and that she doesn’t need food this week. I see new faces as people hear about Cafe Central and come to get food. I hear Dennis’s truck clunk as he drives away and Randrick say “thank you” after we take him home. I always wonder about people’s stories, and am blessed when God reminds me that in serving at Cafe Central, He has divinely placed us in the middle of His story. 

It’s in this reflection that a day, “written in His book before one of them came to be”, becomes extraordinary!

Until we “read” again….God Bless!

You can give through our website:  https://cafecentralmilledgeville.org/give/

Or mail a check payable to: Café Central, 500 Underwood Rd, Milledgeville, GA 31061

Stephannie and her husband Doug have been volunteering at Cafe Central for 6 years. They moved from Colorado to Milledgeville Georgia in 2015. That year during Sunday service, the announcement that Cafe Central needed extra help for their Thanksgiving service, brought them for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. They have now served weekly since January 2016. Doug is the volunteer coordinator and member of the Cafe Central Board. Stephannie just likes to talk to, and about, the “family” Cafe Central has become.

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