Here’s Our Sign
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” -Colossians 3:23
So often we get caught up in what we do, it almost becomes who we are. Ministry isn’t any different. We want to help people, serve others, make a difference. We often need to be reminded that we are not what we do. We are to be the best we can be and work for the Lord. This week at Cafe Central the Lord literally “gave us a sign”.
We’ve been providing takeout lunches on Tuesday’s ever since closing our inside seating due to COVID-19. We have been averaging 780 plates per week for about 2 months. Yesterday was a little different.
There is a lot of work that goes into preparing, plating and passing out 800 plates of food. Chef and volunteers were there and ready for the task. As our patrons began to arrive, and the parking lot only had half the number of cars as previous weeks, disappointment, discouragement and doubts began to find a hold. We began to wonder if we were truly making a difference. Well, we did the logical thing…started making excuses and looking for reasons why. Hahaha!!! It’s the stimulus checks, praise the Lord! People are getting their income tax returns, praise the Lord! Some may be back to work, praise the Lord! They’ve been able to get food from the food truck, praise the Lord! With all of this positive, why did 540 plates feel like a slow day.
Our final rationale was simply this, the people who came to get lunch were the people who truly needed lunch. Wouldn’t we cook for 800 even if there was only one person to serve? Wouldn’t Jesus have given his life if there were only one person to save?

Oh…I mentioned a sign. We had finished cleaning up and served the last of our patrons. Most of the volunteers were gone as well. A young man and a young lady from Lake Oconee Church drove up and Jim had them come inside. Their church had taken up an offering during Easter to give to Cafe Central. They gave us a “sign” and asked that we text them selfies or short videos to encourage their donors, and to show them how this amazingly thoughtful monetary gift will help to further our ministry. As I reflected on the day, my take away from the gift, the numbers and God’s perfect timing… is that the sign itself, was a physical reminder that we are…
“Working for the Lord, and not for men”.
Until we “read” again…God Bless!
If you are a volunteer, patron or community partner for Cafe Central, please take a moment and send a note to Lake Oconee Church about your experience with Cafe Central by either texting: 706-406-1773 or leaving a comment on our facebook page and we will share it with @LakeOconeeChrch. So thankful for our new community partners!
You can give through our website:
Or mail a check payable to: Café Central, 500 Underwood Rd, Milledgeville, GA 31061