Ask, Seek, Knock
April 30, 2020
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. –Matthew 7:7
This verse came to mind this week as I began to think and pray about what to write. It teaches us that God answers prayer if we only ask and seek, and that the door will be opened because our Father gives good gifts to those who ask him. Here’s the thing that got me thinking though…how God answers prayer.
God uses US! Not just Café Central; everyone!
At the beginning of the year we talked about partnering with Café Central. We asked you for prayer, we sought help from volunteers, community and business partners and asked you to consider partnering with us financially so that we can keep our doors open. So what if no one answered?
I’ve been walking around the parking lot these last few weeks visiting with our patrons as they wait for sometimes 2-3 hours in their cars for a “to go” lunch and a box of food. They ask what we’re having. They ask if there will be a truck distributing food. They ask if we have bread to give away. They tell me what a blessing Café Central has been to them as some have lost their jobs during this time and may not know how they’ll eat for the next week. They tell me of new illness they are struggling with. They tell me of answered prayer. Of a new apartment and if I know who might help with furnishings, as they have none. They ask for masks and wonder when we can get back in the building to sit together eat and visit. They ask how my family and I are doing and they ask for hugs. So what if no one answered?
God answers all of those questions, all of our prayers. He knows the things we seek and which doors will open for us. Matthew 7:8 reads “For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”

We usually think of this verse as God’s promise to us; to receive what we ask for, find what we’re seeking and having the door opened for us. What if we pause and take a different look. What if we changed our thinking to being the one God is using to answer those who are asking, be the ones that are found by the people seeking and the ones ready and waiting to answer the door when others knock. God will use someone…will it be us?
Until we “read” again…God Bless!
You can give through our website:
Or mail a check payable to: Café Central, 500 Underwood Rd, Milledgeville, GA 31061