Blessing Beneath the Task

January 22, 2020

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10

A task is defined as: a definite piece of work assigned to, falling to, or expected of a person; a duty.

Each Tuesday when we arrive at Cafe Central there are a series of “tasks” to do. Set up tables, put down chairs, set places with napkins and utensils, round up carts, wipe them down, get bus carts prepared, set up food service tables, plate deserts, prepare drinks and drink serving carts, help with food preparation, etc. Everything needs to be done in order to efficiently serve…right? When we go about our day focusing on our tasks do we miss the blessings God has “prepared in advance for us”? 

This week I’d like to tell you about making coffee! There’s a young man named Jason that comes to Cafe Central with his family and caretaker. He is a special needs adult. He has a special way he likes his coffee. Two creams, one sugar and two small ice cubes. If any part of this is not quite right, you are given back the cup with instructions on making a proper cup. This “task” has fallen on, been assigned to, is expected of my husband Doug. Honestly this is sometimes more of a task than one would think. Walking from one side of the room to the other usually brings about many more “tasks” from many other patrons. On one occasion, Doug had actually forgotten to get Jason his coffee. After being reminded, and admitting that he had forgotten, Jason asked that they take a picture together so that he “would not forget him.” 

After Cafe Central yesterday Doug and I were reflecting on our day, as we normally do, and he asked “how did I get to be the one, the one to make Jason’s coffee?” My response…you took the time. If you ask Jason who Doug is. he doesn’t say “he’s the one who makes my coffee”, he says “This is Doug. He’s my friend. He’s my buddy. I love him! He’s my brother!” Jason is Doug’s blessing beneath the task!

Do we take the time “to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do”? Don’t miss the blessing beneath the task!

Until we “read” again…God Bless!

Stephannie and her husband Doug have been volunteering at Cafe Central for 6 years. They moved from Colorado to Milledgeville Georgia in 2015. That year during Sunday service, the announcement that Cafe Central needed extra help for their Thanksgiving service, brought them for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. They have now served weekly since January 2016. Doug is the volunteer coordinator and member of the Cafe Central Board. Stephannie just likes to talk to, and about, the “family” Cafe Central has become.

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